Panspermia Theory

The theory of panspermia, which posits that life could travel between planets, has been the subject of speculation and scientific inquiry for centuries.

  • This theory proposes that life developed elsewhere in the universe and then arrived on earth. Microbial spores from space were supposedly brought to earth by asteroids or meteors; which jump-started life on earth.
  • Panspermia, first proposed by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, suggests that life has the potential to travel as ‘seeds’ between planets.
  • Scientific advances have demonstrated that microorganisms can endure the extreme conditions of interplanetary travel and survive the impact of reaching a new world.
    • 19th-century researchers, including Svante Arrhenius, suggested mechanisms, such as radiation pressure from the Sun, that could propel microorganisms through space.
  • Modern panspermia theory involves three stages: escape from a planet, transit through interplanetary space, and landing on another planet.
  • Limitation: Panspermia, doesn’t explain the origin of life itself and is considered a fringe theory due to the difficulty of proving its validity.

Read More About Here: Wiki and ScienceDirect

Other Theories on Life’s Origin

  • Plausible Theories

The origin of life is a question that is unanswered to this day. Hence, there is no “standard model”; instead, there are just plausible theories that are built on cell biology and molecular biology.

  • Miller–Urey Experiment

This experiment partially demonstrated how organic molecules could form from inorganic substances on the early earth. Moreover, the experiment accounted for the early earth’s atmosphere, which was quite different from today. Every biogeochemical process was also vastly different or non-existent. Though the experiment was able to recreate most of the organic molecules required for life, it was not able to replicate all the compounds associated with life.

In conclusion, none of these theories are conclusive enough to be accepted as a fact. However, newer breakthroughs in science and technology could change this one day.

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